CIS 5650 - Hardware and Software Setup

Hardware and Software Requirements

CIS 5650 requires access to an NVIDIA GPU to complete the projects. Most projects can run on any modern NVIDIA GPU. The course also has a DirectX RayTracing project that requires a GPU capable of RayTracing. These pages provide instructions for step your computer correctly for class projects.


  • CPU: Any modern CPU
  • Operating System:
    • Windows 10 (1809 or newer) or Windows Server 2019 (1809 or newer) - Required for DirectX RayTracing Project and recommended for the coursework.
    • Linux (any modern distribution) - Supports all projects except DirectX RayTracing project.
  • GPU: An NVIDIA GPU Required for the course.
    • Any modern NVIDIA GPU supports all projects except DirectX RayTracing.
    • DirectX RayTracing project requires either:
      • A RayTracing GPU (GeForce/Quadro RTX, Tesla T4, or other Turing GPUs) - Recommended.
      • A GPU that supports software fallback (eg. Maxwell or newer architecture. We’ll test this as part of Project 0) - Works, but not recommended.

Setup Instructions

Follow the link that is most right for you: